Why I paint

Landscape painting gives pleasure, at least that is why I paint. Being able to catch the moment of surrounding world provides great satisfaction. I am absolutely self-taught about the painting, in other words grown up enthusiast. I believe that for this kind of relaxation is never too late. Blogging will help track my progress as an painter.

Malování krajiny mi přináší radost a proto vlastně maluji. Schopnost zachytit okamžik, odlesk tohoto světa přináší uspokojení. Z hlediska malování jsem samouk - nadšenec. Věřím, že nikdy není pozdě začít s malováním, tak jsem začal. Tento diář by mi mohl pomoci zachytit a dokumentovat můj vývoj.

Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Mountain crags

Quick try of mountain crags in the cloud formation with shaft of sunlight.
Moisten only a portion of the paper above the contour of the crag - sharp line of the mountain with cadmium yellow, vyn dick´s brown with cobalt blue from periphery to center wet to wet. After drying out make shape of the mountain with vyn dick´s brown different saturation.
When it´s almost dry with the moisten sponge blur the right contour of the crag.
A5, Canson Mix-Media 300g/m2, Umton Q16

River and trees

Watercolour painting from my early work (spring 2017)

Just tutorial from Internet - imitating..
Green-blue-yellow trias, heaven-ground-water..
Just very simple tree shape and mixing two colours -
Umton - Q18 palette: 2100 Cadmium yellow, 2530 cobalt blue.
Standard 300g/m2 watercolour paper.

landscape watercolour

Sunday, 25 February 2018

Imitating other more experienced watercolorists

Artists learn from other artists. Imitating work of other painters whose work you admire can be very useful way how to acquire necessary painting skills but also how to build your own style.

Here I try to imitate winter landscape painting from Terry Harisson (Painting Watercolour Trees The Easy Way, page 106)

winter oak

Trying to follow instructions written in the book masking fluid is used. I didn´t catch every detail unfortunately the colour of shadows is little bit overdone by violet.

At least in the beginning of learning process can man absorb very much from watercolour techniques landscape image which is already interpreted by author. Colour, hue and morphology of the land is simplified. Main outlines are highlighted, insignificant details omitted.
The beginner is often seduced to paint every detail and he drowns the painting in them.
Painting by artificial light.
Paper- Canson, Moulin du Roy 300g/m2, Schmincke Horadam tubes, masking fluid.

Thursday, 22 February 2018

Beginning Watercolor

I started to make watercolour paintings mainly through my previous experiences and satisfaction from astronomy sketches and astronomy observations.
(See my webpage: http://astropozorovani.rekmarik.cz )

landscape watercolour

My first painting (4/2017) witch imitates more or less watercolour - Inspiration was taken from YouTube tutorial, so it´s not real landscape. I learned how to impress reflections on water surface in easy way.
Used: Umton colour in pans,  standard watercolour paper A4 300g/m2.

winter landscape
For lack of time and many degrees below zero I made this picture at home from the photograph. It was taken by traveling from Jihlava to Trebic (near Cervena Hospoda )
The paint was made at night by artificial lighting. (1/2018)
Schmincke Horadam, Paper: Canson, Moulin du Roy 300g/m2 100% Cotton.

Landscape after Seago

Quick study of color space and brushwork after E. Seago Rychlá studie barevného prostoru a práce štěce podle E. Seaga. Love his work ... ...