Why I paint

Landscape painting gives pleasure, at least that is why I paint. Being able to catch the moment of surrounding world provides great satisfaction. I am absolutely self-taught about the painting, in other words grown up enthusiast. I believe that for this kind of relaxation is never too late. Blogging will help track my progress as an painter.

Malování krajiny mi přináší radost a proto vlastně maluji. Schopnost zachytit okamžik, odlesk tohoto světa přináší uspokojení. Z hlediska malování jsem samouk - nadšenec. Věřím, že nikdy není pozdě začít s malováním, tak jsem začal. Tento diář by mi mohl pomoci zachytit a dokumentovat můj vývoj.

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Mountain landscape - training

Training watecolour technique - indoor (according to the instructions)

A great guide was for me recently discovered book "Malování akvarelem" (Watercolour painting in original) from Keith Fenwick.
I highly recommend for newbie in watercolour painting especially in landscape painting.

Mountain landscape no1.

 Mountain landscape No.2

 Mountain landscape No.3

Material: paper Canson 21x29,7cm (A4) 300g/m2,  Schmincke Horadam - Sepia Brown and Yellow ochre,  Cadmium red light, Ultramarine finest.

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